
Showing posts from November, 2017

Kohwai EHAS Prep Market!

The Prep program has been all about young enterprise this year and PREParing our students for their future. As part of this program we have learned about democracy, taxation, rules/laws, rights and responsibilities and most importantly how to earn, spend and handle money our responsibly. Here are a few pics from our awesomely fun Prep Market!  We even designed PonsP Currency (PPC) to use. We also used transaction sheets to record our income, expenses and balances. We had many business ventures from fortune telling, glitter body art, money wallet sales, hair design and bank loans (interest included!).

How smoke moves through air particles!


ACG science teachers work with Puriri EHAS

We were so lucky to get two science teachers come in to show us how sound particles move through the air. We even got to do some chemistry experiments, testing whether household substances are acids or alkalis!